Scientific/Technical Computing |
- Data intensive
- Focus: Domain-specific Grid technologies -
GT Teragrid
- Key Projects:
Federated Simulation, Netreact, Scientific Data Exchange,
Smartpointer, Access Grid
- Industry Funded Projects and Donations
Message Evolution in High Performance Distributed Systems - middleware - Greg Eisenhauer, CoC. (seed funding)
Benchmark Development for Interactive Grid Applications - Matt Wolf, CoC. (seed funding)
Differential Data Protection in Dynamic Distributed Systems - Karsten Schwan (Patrick Widener - fellowship), CoC. (Intel)
Infrastructure Sponsors - Cisco, HP, Intel, NSF, Dell
- Funded CERCS Research
Enterprise Computing |
- Information intensive
- Focus: Dynamic resource management
- Key Projects:
CERCS Enterprise Laboratory,
Agile Store, QFabric,
Countering Denial of Information,
Advanced Media Oriented Systems,
JOrchestra, WebCQ, XWrap, Elba
- Industry Funded Projects and Donations
HARDIDS - Intrusion Detection Using Network Processors - network-level security - Wenke Lee and David
Schimmel, CoC/ECE. (seed funding)
Towards Efficient Publishing and Delivering Dynamic Web Content - Ling Liu, CoC. (seed funding)
System Support for Online Resource Management - Karsten Schwan (Christian Poellabauer - fellowship), CoC. (IBM)
Infrastructure Sponsors - IBM, HP, NSF
- Funded CERCS Research
Embedded Computing |
- Extending the domain of the Grid across the wireless infrastructure
- Focus: Software services for remote access to information
- Key Projects:
Ubiquitous Computing,
Embedded and Real-Time Systems,
DEOS, Stampede, Testing, Power-aware
operation, Wireless and embedded communications, GT Network Processors Group
Industry Funded Projects and Donations
SOLAR - Semantics-Oriented Low-power Architecture - power awareness at the chip level - Hsien-Hsin Sean
Lee, ECE. (seed funding)
Software Verification through Interface Analysis and Change Impact
Analysis - Mary Jean Harrold, CoC. (Boeing)
Stampede.NET - Networked Sensors and Displays for Distributed Telepresence - Umakishore Ramachandran and James M. Rehg, CoC. (Microsoft)
Infrastructure Sponsors - Intel
- Funded CERCS Research