Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems
Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems
Center for Experimental Research
in Computer Systems
Directors | Core Faculty | Associated Faculty | Staff
    Karsten Schwan
    Director of CERCS, Professor in College of Computing
    Systems Software, Operating Systems, Real-time and Embedded Systems, High Performance Computing
    KACB 3338, 404-894-2589
    Calton Pu
    Co-Director of CERCS, Professor in College of Computing,
    John P. Imlay, Jr. Chair in Software
    Systems Software, Operating Systems, Transaction Processing
    KACB 3334, 404-385-1106
    Doug Blough
    Co-Director of CERCS, Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Fault Tolerance, High-Availability Clustering, Ultra-Reliable Services
    KACB 3356, 404-385-1271
    Sudhakar Yalamanchili
    Co-Director of CERCS, Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Adaptive Networking, Real-time and Embedded Systems
    KACB 2316, 404-894-2940

Core Faculty
    Mustaque Ahamad, Professor Distributed Operating Systems and Distributed Algorithms
    KACB 3228, 404-894-2593

    Mostafa Ammar, Professor
    Computer Networks and Communication Protocols
    KACB 3342, 404-894-3292

    Nathan Clark , Assistant Professor
    Computer Architecture, Compilers
    KACB 2340, 404-385-3302

    Greg Eisenhauer, Research Scientist
    Technical Director of CERCS, Research Scientist
    KACB 3332, 404-894-3227

    Nick Feamster, Assistant Professor Computer Networking, Network Security
    KACB 1322, 404-894-5615

    Richard Fujimoto, Professor
    Parallel and Distributed Simulation Systems
    KACB 1322, 404-894-5615

    Ada Gavrilovska, Research Scientist
    Systems, High-Performance Communication
    KACB 3228, 404-894-0387

    Jonathon Giffin, Assistant Professor
    System and software security, intrusion detection
    KACB 3140, 404-385-1060

    Alexander Gray, Assistant Professor
    Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Computational Mathematics for Massive Datasets
    KACB 1312, 404-894-6328

    Mary Jean Harrold, Professor
    Program Analysis and Software Engineering
    KACB 2322, 404-385-0612

    Hyesoon Kim, Assistant Professor
    Computer Architecture, Compilers
    KACB 2344, 404-385-3157

    Hsien-Hsin Sean Lee, Assistant Professor
    Microarchitecture and Compiler Techniques
    KACB 2318, 404-894-9438

    Wenke Lee, Associate Professor
    Intrusion Detection, Survivable Systems
    KACB 3142, 404-385-2879
    Ling Liu, Associate Professor
    Distributed Data Intensive Systems, Internet Data Management, Workflow Systems, and Extended Transaction Processing Systems
    KACB 3340, 404-385-1139

    Gabriel H. Loh, Assistant Professor
    High-performance Processor Microarchitectures
    KACB 2404, 404-385-6604

    Pete Manolios, Assistant Professor (on leave)
    Formal Methods, Distributed Systems, Algorithms, Programming Languages
    KACB 2340, 404-894-9219

    Alex Orso, Assistant Professor
    Software Engineering, Software Reliability and Trustworthiness, Security of Web Applications
    KACB 2342, 404-385-2066

    Henry Owen, Professor
    Computer Networks, Internetworking, and Quality of Service in the Internet
    KACB 3358, 404-894-4126

    Santosh Pande, Associate Professor
    Compilers, Embedded Systems
    KACB 2338, 404-385-2169

    Milos Prvulovic, Assistant Professor
    Computer Architecture, Speculation and Recovery, Reliability and Programmability
    KACB 2408, 404-894-1704

    Umakishore Ramachandran, Professor
    Parallel and Distributed Systems, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems
    KACB 2402, 404-894-5136

    George Riley, Assistant Professor
    Large Scale Distributed Simulations, Computer Networks,
    Computer Operating Systems
    KACB 3360, 404-894-4767

    David Schimmel, Associate Professor
    Parallel Computer Architecture and Reconfigurable Computing, VLSI System Design, SAN Design, Asynchronous and Self- Timed Systems
    KACB 3308, 404-894-4575

    Matthew Wolf, Research Scientist
    High Performance Computing, Coordinator for IHPCL
    KACB 1338, 404-385-1278

    Ellen Zegura, Professor
    Wide-area Networking Support for Complex Applications
    KACB 3408, 404-894-1403

Associated Faculty
    David Bader, Associate Professor
    Parallel Algorithms, High-Performance Computing, Computational Biology and Genomics KACB 1332, 404-385-0004

    Robert J. Butera, Assistant Professor
    Real-time Computing, Interfacing Neural Tissue with Simulated Systems, High-Performance Scientific Computing
    IBB 3304, 404-894-2935

    Steve DeWeerth, Professor
    Neuromorphic Engineering, Hybrid Neural Microsystems,
    Biologically Inspired Computing
    BBB 3311, 404-894-4738

    Irfan Essa, Associate Professor
    Computer Vision, Graphics, Animation, HCI, and Computational Perception
    TSRB 230A, 404-894-6856

    Sung Kyu Lim, Assistant Professor
    VLSI CAD and Combinatorial Optimization
    KACB 3462, 404-894-0373
    Kenneth Mackenzie, Adjunct Professor
    Computer Architecture and Systems

    Vince Mooney, Associate Professor
    Hardware-Software Co-Design, Synthesis of Reconfigurable Architecture, Application Specific System Design
    KACB 2358, 404-894-0437

    Olin Shivers, Associate Professor, Northeastern Univ.
    Programming Languages and Systems

    Yannis Smaragdakis, Associate Professor, Univ. of Oregon
    Programming Languages, Systems and Software Engineering

    Jim Xu, Assistant Professor
    Information Security
    KACB 3350, 404-385-2168

Administrative Staff
    Jennifer Chisholm
    Admin. Manager
    KACB 3410, 404-894-9760

    Susie McClain
    Admin. Coordinator
    KACB 3336, 404-385-1353

    Deborah Mitchell
    Admin. Assistant II
    KACB 3342, 404-385-2892


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