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A sampling of ongoing research efforts in CERCS, emphasizing the interdisciplinary nature of our work. While complete descriptions of ongoing research appear in individual faculty members' web pages, major CERCS projects may be grouped into the following categories: The CERCS Technical Reports, published by researchers associated with the Center, offer additional information on ongoing research.
Hardware/Software Co-Design
Contact: Vince Mooney, Douglas BloughHardware-software codesign provides a more flexible design process, with tradeoffs and feedback between the two being made throughout. Thus the result is a design improved in many areas -- performance, programmability, area, maintenance, reliability, etc. Hardware-software codesign has the potential to make high-level synthesis much more widely used by providing for rapid prototyping. For example, instead of synthesizing down just to an ASIC, one could synthesize down to ASIC-microprocessor combinations. The timing critical parts would be partitioned to the hardware (say, an FPGA) with the rest in software. With the low price of many microprocessors, areas such as embedded system design would benefit greatly from automated tools for designing systems of interacting hardware and software.
People Publications
Georgia Tech Network Processors Group
Contact: Sudhakar Yalamanchili, Karsten Schwan, Ken Mackenzie, David SchimmelThe focus of the GT Network Processors group is to develop integrated host/NP systems that can deliver improved levels of cost/performance to end end users; support for innovative communication services; and hardware and software technologies for the implementation of active system area networks (ASANs). The use of the term "active" refers to the ability of the network interfaces to perform application-specific as well as system level computations in addition to their traditional role of data transfer.
People Publications
IHPCL and affiliated projects
Contact: Karsten Schwan, Sudhakar YalamanchiliThrough an equipment grant from Intel, we have assembled three high performance cluster computers. These next generation clusters provide substantial computational speeds and are a low-cost solution to high performance computing for parallel and distributed scientific applications. The clusters are of significant value both as Unix-based production platforms and as experimental NT testbeds.
People Presentations
Contact: Calton PuInfosphere -- the sum of all information available. Our vision of a civilized Infosphere goes beyond just gathering, storing, and retrieving increasing amounts of information. Living in the Infosphere means being in constant contact with both the physical world and the information civilization. Concepts such as "never-lost, never-alone" can become a reality through ubiquitous two-way low-latency information flow. By providing detailed and up-to-date information about the real world, the Infosphere will allow humans to handle problematic situations from a much higher vantage point.
People Projects Publications Software
(Note: Georgia Tech is collaborating with the Oregon Graduate Institute on this project.)
Contact: Karsten Schwan and Greg Eisenhauer
The Middleware (M-Ware) project addresses future systems that are composed of users, sensors, actuators, and high performance or data-intensive programs running on distributed heterogeneous hardware/software platforms. The ECho and JECho communication middleware, the MOSS/JMOSS object models, and the Active Streams approach to application-level distributed adaptation are some of the bases on which this project is developing underlying enabling software technology, middleware, and quality management methods as well as applications that require such infrastructure. Our most recent work, termed IQ-ECho, is creating technologies that enable continuous quality management for event-based, peer-to-peer applications, where runtime quality management involves dynamic binary code generation, platform extension, and joint adaptation of applications, middleware, operating system kernels, and network protocols. This project's focus in on wide-area systems used for online collaboration, remote data visualization, and telepresence.
People Publications Software
Advanced Media-Oriented SystemsContact: Umakishore Ramachandran, Karsten Schwan, and Mustaque Ahamad
This project provides state-of-the-art research infrastructure needed to carry out experimental systems research. The resource available through this project include computational clusters and high-bandwidth low-latency networking, mass storage (both secondary and tertiary), immersive desks, non-linear editing stations, stationary intelligent kiosks, and mobile capture and access stations, and video wall as a display and interaction device for a community of users.
Embedded and Real-Time Systems
Contact: Karsten Schwan, Sudha Yalamanchili, Krishna Palem, Vince Mooney, Ifran Essa, Calton Pu, Umakishore Ramachandran, Santosh Pande, Ken Mackenzie, and George Riley
The Embedded and Real-Time Systems Group focuses on development of tools and frameworks for the development of embedded, wired and wireless, real-time systems. The goal is to implement novel techniques at different levels of a system - e.g., application, middleware, operating system, hardware & software codesign, and networks - to support the high-performance and predictability needs of distributed embedded systems.
Ubiquitous Computing
Contact: Umakishore Ramachandran, Kenneth Mackenzie, Steve DeWeerth
The project deals with integrating sensing hardware, embedded processing and distributed system support to build a seamless programming infrastructure for ubiquitous presence applications.
Countering Denial of Information
Contact: Mustaque Ahamad
The goal of this research project is to develop defensive techniques to counter denial-of-information (DoI) attacks, which attempt to confuse an information system by deliberately introducing noise that appears to be useful information. The research focuses on characterization of information quality metrics that are relevant in the presence of DoI attacks, and development of techniques to derive the values of these metrics for information sources.
Agile Store
Contact: Mustaque Ahamad, Doug Blough
The Agile Store project addresses the information storage and access needs of future applications through a number of novel techniques. First a flexible, agile and practical architecture for a distributed store is developed, that allows applications to specify and dynamically adapt their desired security and performance levels. Second the agile nature of the service monitors potential compromises and reacts to them by adapting protocols and their parameters to respond to the suspected attacks. Finally, by exploring a variety of ubiquitous applications that need to access sensitive information, the overheads that are inherent when the conflicting goals of security and performance have to be reconciled, are quantified.
Contact: Mary Jean Harrold
The Gamma project of Georgia Tech proposes a revolutionary approach for continuous improvement of software systems after their deployment. The project will exploit the opportunities presented by a software system being used by many, possibly millions, of users. By considering these users as potential analyzers and testers and their interconnected computers as a virtual peta-op machine, we will develop a new technology that utilizes this enormous computational power and human resources for software analysis and testing. This technology will enable software producers (1) to perform continuous, minimally intrusive analyses of their software's behavior, and (2) to use the information thus gathered to improve and evolve their software.
People Publications Software
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