Ahamad, Professor
Distributed Operating Systems and Distributed
Algorithms KACB 3228, 404-894-2593
Mostafa Ammar, Professor
Computer Networks and Communication Protocols
KACB 3342, 404-894-3292
Nathan Clark, Assistant Professor
Computer Architecture, Compilers
KACB 2340, 404-385-3302
Greg Eisenhauer, Research Scientist
Distributed Systems, Middleware
KACB 3332, 404-894-3227
Feamster, Assistant Professor
Computer Networking, Network Security
KACB 1322, 404-894-5615
Fujimoto, Professor
Parallel and Distributed Simulation Systems
KACB 1322, 404-894-5615
Ada Gavrilovska, Research Scientist
Systems, High-Performance Communication
KACB 3228, 404-894-0387
Jonathon Giffin, Assistant Professor
System and software security, intrusion detection
KACB 3140, 404-385-1060
Alexander Gray, Assistant Professor
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Computational Mathematics for Massive Datasets
KACB 1312, 404-894-6328
Jean Harrold, Professor
Program Analysis and Software Engineering
KACB 2322, 404-385-0612
Hyesoon Kim, Assistant Professor
Computer Architecture, Compilers
KACB 2344, 404-385-3157
Hsien-Hsin Sean Lee, Assistant Professor
Microarchitecture and Compiler Techniques
KACB 2318, 404-894-9438
Lee, Associate Professor
Intrusion Detection, Survivable Systems
KACB 3142, 404-385-2879
Liu, Associate Professor
Distributed Data Intensive Systems, Internet
Data Management, Workflow Systems, and Extended Transaction Processing
KACB 3340, 404-385-1139
Gabriel H. Loh, Assistant Professor
High-performance Processor Microarchitectures
KACB 2404, 404-385-6604
Pete Manolios,
Assistant Professor (on leave)
Formal Methods, Distributed Systems, Algorithms,
Programming Languages
KACB 2340, 404-894-9219
Alex Orso, Assistant Professor
Software Engineering, Software Reliability and Trustworthiness, Security of Web Applications
KACB 2342, 404-385-2066
Owen, Professor
Computer Networks, Internetworking, and Quality
of Service in the Internet
KACB 3358, 404-894-4126
Pande, Associate Professor
Compilers, Embedded Systems
KACB 2338, 404-385-2169
Milos Prvulovic, Assistant Professor
Computer Architecture, Speculation
and Recovery, Reliability and Programmability
KACB 2408, 404-894-1704
Ramachandran, Professor
Parallel and Distributed Systems, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems
KACB 2402, 404-894-5136
Riley, Assistant Professor
Large Scale Distributed Simulations, Computer
Computer Operating Systems
KACB 3360, 404-894-4767
Schimmel, Associate Professor
Parallel Computer Architecture and Reconfigurable
Computing, VLSI System Design, SAN Design, Asynchronous and Self- Timed
KACB 3308, 404-894-4575
Matt Wolf, Research Scientist
High-Performance Computing
KACB 1338, 404-385-1278
Ellen Zegura, Professor
Wide-area Networking Support for Complex Applications
KACB 3408, 404-894-1403