Open Cirrus is an open cloud-computing research testbed designed to support research in the design, provisioning, and management of services at a global, multi-datacenter scale. The open nature of the testbed is designed to encourage research into all aspects of service and datacenter management. In addition, we hope to foster a collaborative community that aims to share tools, lessons, and best practices, and ways to benchmark and compare alternative approaches to service management at datacenter scale.
Papers are solicited in, but not limited to the following areas:
- Availability
- Data-intensive computing
- Hadoop
- High-performance computing
- Large scale and geographically distributed Cloud Services
- Manageability
- Provisioning and metering
- Resource management
- Security
- Storage
- Sustainability
- Virtualization
- And other Cloud computing related technologies
In addition to the topics listed above, the committee is explicitly soliciting submissions -- in the form of papers, posters, and demos -- related to multi-datacenter distributed cloud services, applications, and usecases. Poster and demo submissions will be handled separately from the conference paper submissions. The best ideas, implementations and results related to this cross-site challenge will be recognized and awarded.
The proceedings of Open Cirrus Summit 2011 will be published by the IEEE Communication Society. Papers should be no longer than five (5) pages (including abstract, all figures, all tables, and references), typeset in two-column format, and have a minimum font size of 11pt.
Important Dates
- Full paper submission due: (extended) August 18, 2011 (23:59 EST)
- Author notification: August 31, 2011
- Camera-ready version due: September 15, 2011
- Poster submission due: TBA
- Demo submission due: TBA
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