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Symposium on
High Performance Computing

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On March 28, the Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems (CERCS) and the College of Computing at Georgia Tech are jointly hosting a Symposium on High Performance Computing, at the GT Technology Square.

The symposium will focus on issues of education for an innovative workforce, particularly in the southeast. It will consist of talks and panel presentations focusing on the needs of HPC from the industrial perspective and the challenges of educating the next generation of computational scientists and engineers from the academic perspective. The event is open to students, as well as faculty and industry attendees.

Talks begin at 1:00PM in the TSRB auditorium and run utill 5:00PM, with a reception and poster session from 5:00-7:00PM. Guest speakers and panelists include the following:

    Suzy Tichenor, VP and Director of the HPC project for the Council on Competitiveness,
    Russ Holt, VP of Enterprise Engineering at Dell,
    Eric Kronstadt, Director of Exploratory Server Systems at IBM,
    Jeff Nichols, Director for the Computational Science and Mathematics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
    Jose Fortes, Professor, Director of the Advanced Computing and Information Systems Laboratory, U of Florida, and
    Mike Heath, Professor, Fulton Watson Copp Chair, Director of Computational Science and Engineering, UIUC.


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