Software Information

Currently installed and licenced software available to CERCS Enterprise Users:

IBM WebSphere Application Server (V 6.0)

How to Use the Software

WebSphere 6.0 is installed on the following machines:

Contact Person

Mohamed Mansour (mansour@cc)

IBM WebSphere Application Server (V 5.1)

We have a fully functional installation of WebSphere, including  JMS support and a connection to backend DB2 relational database engine.

We also have IBM HTTP server installed. This is Apache with a special module for integrating with WebSphere.

Additionally, we have the Tivoli performance viewer. This is a GUI based client for viewing real-time performance data collected from WebSphere.

As a jumpstart, we have installed the Trade3 benchmark application. Our installed of Trade3 is on WebSphere running on dagobah and it uses DB2 running on tatooine. This copy of Trade3 runs both the backend EJBs as well as the web tier with its Servlets and JSPs. We have a modified version where the web tier (Servlets/HTML/JSP) runs on a separate Tomcat server. Please contact mansour@cc if you need instructions on how to obtain and run this configuration.

How to Use the Software

The WebSphere software is installed on dabgoah and hoth. Please send email to help@cc to get access to these machines.
We use the /hp410 filesystem on dagobah. /hp420 on tatooine and /hp430 on hoth.

    Administrative interface: http://dagobah:9090/admin

Contact Person

Mohamed Mansour (mansour@cc)

Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software

This is the latest release of IBM's WebSphere IDE. Use this version if you will deploy on WebSphere V6.0

How to Use the Software

Step 1: ssh to an available host

RAD is licensed software and is currently available only on these machines:
ssh to one of the three hosts above. You must use -Y option on ssh
ssh -Y <hostname>
hostname can be one of the following: dagobah, tatooine, or hoth

Step 2: Start the IDE:

To start the IDE (Rational Application Developer):
where hostname can be one of the following three:
    * on dagobah:
    * on tatooine:
    * on hoth:

Contact Person

Mohamed Mansour (mansour@cc)

DB2 -- Universal Database Express Edition (V 8.1)

This is a fully functional relational database engine. The database engine is installed on both and We prefer to keep all our database instances on tatooine, the software on dagobah is there just to have the dlls needed by a Java client.

How to Use the Software

The database software is installed on tatooine and dagobah at /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1 To use any of the DB2 utilities run the db2profile script to initialize your environment:
. ~db2inst/sqllib/db2profile
We prefer to assign a separate database instance to different projects. Please contact us if you need a new database instance.

Contact Person

Mohamed Mansour (mansour@cc)