Hardware Information

Some of the IBM & HP workstations are in the back corner of 207.
The ones with the Lord of the Rings character names are in the CERCS Enterprise Computing teaching lab, CCB153.
The servers are in the Showcase Machine Room (old GVU main lab) - one rack of IBM servers, one rack of HP.

The instructional machines are currently available to all undergrads. At the beginning of Fall semester, 'UCF' permissions should be removed. CNS should also be notified of any classes using that room, and that the students in that class should be granted 'CLUSTERS' access. (This will actually get them into any of the instructional clusters on the first floor.)

The workstations in 207 allow anybody with either SYSTEMS or CERCS-ENT access to use them. The servers only allow CERCS-ENT.

IBM logo IBM donation: Servers

qty 1 IBM BladeCenter with 14 HS20 Blade Servers installed:
Processor: 2x 2.8Ghz Xeon
Memory: 4GB memory
OS: Redhat ES4
Networking: the blade center has a 1Gb network connection to the CERCS core each blade server has a 1Gb NIC

qty 1 IBM x360
Hostname: yavin4.cc.gatech.edu
Processor: 4x 2.8Ghz Xeon
Memory: 4GB memory
OS: Redhat ES4
Networking: 1 Gb to CERCS core
Storage: 1TB storage

qty 3 IBM x345
Hostnames: {dagobah, tatooine, hoth}.cc.gatech.edu
Processor: 2x 2.8Ghz Xeon
OS: Redhat ES4
Memory: 4GB memory
Networking: 1 Gb to CERCS core (each)
Storage: 140GB storage


qty 16 IBM IntelliStation ZPro
Hostnames: {xwing[1-4], gandalf, gimli, aragorn, frodo, merry, pippin, legolas, boromir, samwise, saruman, sauron, galadriel}.cc.gatech.edu
Processor: 2x 3Ghz Pentium 4
Memory: 1GB memory
OS: Redhat linux 9

HP logo HP donation:


qty 1 HP rx5670
Hostname: deathstar.cc.gatech.edu


4x 1Ghz Itanium2
Memory: 8GB memory
OS: redhat Advanced Workstation 2.1 for itanium
Networking: 1 Gb to CERCS core

qty 3 HP rx2600
Hostnames: {coruscant, kessel, geonosis}.cc.gatech.edu
Processor: 2x 1Ghz Itanium2
Memory: 4GB memory
OS: redhat Advanced Workstation 2.1 for itanium
Networking: 1 Gb to CERCS core (each)


qty 10 HP rx2000
Hostnames: {tiefighter[1-3], arwen, elrond, bilbo, eowyn, faramir, eomer, theoden, isildur, grima, gollum}.cc.gatech.edu
Processor: 900Mhz Itanium 2
Memory: 1GB memory
OS: redhat Advanced Workstation 2.1 for itanium