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Day 1 - CERCS Alumni Day
Thursday, Apr. 3
Klaus Advanced Computing Building 1116
226 Ferst Drive, NW, Atlanta 30332-0765

8:45-9:00AMRefreshments and Registration
9:00-9:20AMWelcome, Ling Liu and Karsten Schwan
9:20-10:50AMPANEL I: What Our Alumni Are Doing in Industry: Hot Topics on Computing Science
Panel Moderator: Ling Liu
Bugra Gedik - SPADE: The System S Declarative Stream Processing Engine and Experience at IBM Research
Kip Jones - Skyhook Wireless and Geospatial Analysis of WiFi APs and Experience at Skyhook
Scott Marlette - Where Facebook is heading now (TBA) and Experiences at Facebook.com
11:00-12:30PMPANEL II: What Our Alumni Are doing in Industry: Hot Topics on Computing Science
Panel Moderator: Karsten Schwan
Sameer Adhikari - FAB Automation and Experience at Yahoo! Research
David Buttler - Knowledge-based Coreference Resolution and Experience at LLNL
Raj Krishnamurty - Exploratory Systems at IBM Labs and Experiences with IBM Labs
12:30-2:30PMLunch and Panel
12:45-1:00PMAlumni Organization at College of Computing - Bobby Krupczak
1:00-2:30PMPANEL III: Experiences and Career Success Tips (Q&A Interactive Session)
Panel Moderator: Fabian Bustamante
Fabian Bustamante, Northwestern Univ
Dilma da Silva, IBM
Bugra Gedik, IBM TJ Watson
Kipp Jones, Skyhook Wireless
Robin Kravets, UIUC
Arnab Paul, Intel
Beth Plale, Indiana Univ
Patrick Widener, UNM
Rich West, BU
Donghua Xu, Ask.com
3:00-5:00PMOpen House, Lab Tour, Poster Session
6:30-9:00PMCERCS Dinner Reception -- Alumni and IAB Members Only
Location: Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center (Conference Four)
Day 2 - CERCS Industry Advisory Board Meeting
Friday, Apr. 4
Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center
Technology Square
800 Spring Street, NW, Atlanta 30308

8:45-9:00AMRegistration / Breakfast
9:00-9:45AMWelcome / Introduction / Overview of Company Engagements, Karsten Schwan
9:45-10:00AMNSF Survey, Vida Scarpello
10:00-11:15AMSESSION I: New Engagements and Opportunities, Doug Blough
H. Kim - Software Support for Heterogeneous Architecture
C. Pu, R. Ramnath, L. Liu, G. Eisenhauer - Critical Enterprise Cloud Computing Systems (CECCS)
D. Blough - Security and Privacy for Networked Personal Health Information
Matt Wolf - Dynamic Data (Re) Construction and Processing
11:15-12:00PMSESSION II: New Directions, Sudha Yalamanchili
Ripal Nathuji, Matt Wolf, Yogendra Joshi - Toward Green Computing Clouds
S. Yalamanchili, A. Gavrilovska, Karsten Schwan, Vishakha Gupta, Greg Diamos - Heterogeneous Virtualized Multicore Systems
Calton Pu - Proactive Services
Ling Liu - Mining Business Processes and Workflows
1:15-2:30PMSESSION III: CERCS Graduating Students and Their Involvement in Ongoing and New Company Interactions, Ling Liu, Ada Gavrilovska
Sangeetha Seshadri - (IBM, NetApp) Enhancing Availability in Large Scale Storage Systems and Services
Sanjay Kumar - (Intel, HP) Coordinated Management Across Hardware and Software in Virtualized Environments
Balasubramanian Seshasayee - (Intel, Motorola) Opportunities in Mobile Platform Virtualization
Vibhore Kumar and Srihari Govindharaj - (HP, IBM, Worldspan) iManage: Enabling Scalable Self-Management for Enterprise-Scale Systems
Richard Yoo - (Intel) Kicking the Tires of Software Transactional Memory: Why the Going Gets Tough
Steve Web - (Yahoo, IBM) Automatic Identification and Removal of Low Quality Online Information
Mark Moss - (IBM) - Assessing Operational Impact in Enterprise Systems with Dependency Discovery and Usage Mining
2:30-3:30PMNew Directions Roundtable, Calton Pu
AT&T - Rick Schlichting, Director Software Systems Research
OSISoft - Raymond Verhoeff, VP Research
IBM - Matt Ellis, VP Autonomic, via Mark Weitzel
ORNL - Jeff Nichols
NetApp - Arkady Kanevsky
Ask.com - Donghua Xu
Oracle - Rupa Parameswaran
Amazon.com - Mohamed Mansour
3:30-3:45PMWrap-up, Karsten Schwan

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