Georgia Institute of Technology
Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems
Center for Experimental Research
in Computer Systems

In Fall 2001, the Georgia Tech Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems (CERCS) opened its doors. CERCS brings together researchers from Georgia Tech's College of Computing and School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the CETI Center at The Ohio State University who share a common focus on the design and evaluation of computer and software systems through experimental methods.  CERCS research focuses on complex systems, including their hardware, communications and system-level software, and applications.  By emphasizing the experimental method, we promote the creation of knowledge through the design, implementation, and measurement of potentially large-scale prototype systems.  Constituting one of the largest experimental systems programs in the U.S., CERCS has a mission to:

  • lead the innovation of new information and computing technologies,
  • construct the interactive information grids of the future, and
  • create the intellectual capital that can advance these technologies and fuel future advances.

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Last Modified:Wednesday, 16-Oct-2013 12:58:49 EDT by Jay Lofstead

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