James Clause, Alessandro Orso,
Camouflage: Automated Sanitization of Field Data
Privacy and security concerns have adversely affected the usefulness
of many types of techniques that leverage information gathered from
deployed applications. To address this issue, we present a new
approach for automatically sanitizing failure-inducing inputs. Given
an input I that causes a failure f, our technique can generate a
sanitized input I' that is different from I but still causes f. I'
can then be sent to the developers to help them debug f, without
revealing the possibly sensitive information contained in I. We
implemented our approach in a prototype tool, CAMOUFLAGE, and carried
out an empirical evaluation. In the evaluation, we applied CAMOUFLAGE
to a large set of failure-inducing inputs for several real
applications. The results of the evaluation are promising; they show
that CAMOUFLAGE is both practical and effective at generating
sanitized inputs. In particular, for the inputs that we considered, I
and I' shared no sensitive information.