CERCS Events - Spring 2009

Time and Location
Jan. 21, 2009
KACB 1116W
Achieving Predictability in Large-scale Distributed Systems Abhiskek Chandra, Dept. Computer Science, Univ. of Minnesota
Jan. 28, 2009
KACB 1116W
Scientific Computing with FPGAs: The Reconfigurable Computing Cluster Project Ron Sass, Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Univ. of North Carolina - Charlotte
Feb 25, 2009
KACB 1116W
Shaping your research so it can transition to practice: a view from data integration research Arnie S. Rosenthal, Principal Scientist, Mitre Corporation
Mar 4, 2009
KACB 1116W
Adaptive Memory Optimization for High-Performance, Low-Power Microprocessors Prof. Koji Inoue, Kyushu University, Japan
Mar. 6, 2009
KACB 1443
CERCS Distinguished Lecture:
Multicore Programming Models and their Implementation Challenges
Vivek Sarkar, Rice University
Apr. 9, 2009
KACB 1116W
Transforming Computer System Design Prof. Derek Chiou, Univ. of Texas, Austin
Apr. 22, 2009
KACB 1116W
Periodically Updated Variables: Wide-Area Publish-Subscribe Middleware Supporting Electric Power Monitoring, Control, and Protection Prof. David Bakken, Washington State Univ.
Apr 23, 2009
KACB 1116
CERCS Distinguished Lecture:
Silicon Clouds: Raining Multicore Services
Dan Reed, Director, Scalable/Multicore Systems, Microsoft Research
Apr 23, 2009

KACB 1116
Enterprise Cloud Computing Workshop  
Apr 24, 2009
KACB 1116
CERCS Distinguished Lecture:
Dynamic Infrastructure Powers a Smarter Planet
Alan Ganek, CTO & VP of Strategy and Technology, IBM Software Group
Apr 24, 2009

KACB 1116
CERCS Industry Advisory Board Meeting