Jan. 21, 2009 12-1PM KACB 1116W |
Achieving Predictability in Large-scale Distributed Systems | Abhiskek Chandra, Dept. Computer Science, Univ. of Minnesota |
Jan. 28, 2009 12-1PM KACB 1116W |
Scientific Computing with FPGAs: The Reconfigurable Computing Cluster Project | Ron Sass, Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Univ. of North Carolina - Charlotte |
Feb 25, 2009 12-1PM KACB 1116W |
Shaping your research so it can transition to practice: a view from data integration research | Arnie S. Rosenthal, Principal Scientist, Mitre Corporation |
Mar 4, 2009 12-1PM KACB 1116W |
Adaptive Memory Optimization for High-Performance, Low-Power Microprocessors | Prof. Koji Inoue, Kyushu University, Japan |
Mar. 6, 2009 12-1:30PM KACB 1443 |
CERCS Distinguished Lecture: Multicore Programming Models and their Implementation Challenges |
Vivek Sarkar, Rice University |
Apr. 9, 2009 12-1:00PM KACB 1116W |
Transforming Computer System Design | Prof. Derek Chiou, Univ. of Texas, Austin |
Apr. 22, 2009 12-1:00PM KACB 1116W |
Periodically Updated Variables: Wide-Area Publish-Subscribe Middleware Supporting Electric Power Monitoring, Control, and Protection | Prof. David Bakken, Washington State Univ. |
Apr 23, 2009 11-12:00PM KACB 1116 |
CERCS Distinguished Lecture: Silicon Clouds: Raining Multicore Services |
Dan Reed, Director, Scalable/Multicore Systems, Microsoft Research |
Apr 23, 2009 KACB 1116 |
Enterprise Cloud Computing Workshop | |
Apr 24, 2009 11-12:00PM KACB 1116 |
CERCS Distinguished Lecture: Dynamic Infrastructure Powers a Smarter Planet |
Alan Ganek, CTO & VP of Strategy and Technology, IBM Software Group |
Apr 24, 2009 KACB 1116 |
CERCS Industry Advisory Board Meeting |