Se Hun Kim, Vincent J. Mooney III,
The Sleepy Keeper Approach: Methodology, Layout and Power Results for a 4-bit Adder
For the most recent CMOS feature sizes (e.g., 90nm and 65nm), leakage power
dissipation has become an overriding concern for VLSI circuit designers. ITRS
reports that leakage power dissipation may come to dominate total power
consumption [1]. We propose a novel approach, named "sleepy keeper", which
reduces leakage current while saving exact logic state. Sleepy keeper uses
traditional sleep transistors plus two additional transistors - driven by a
gate's already calculated output - to save state during sleep mode. Dual Vth
values can be applied to sleepy keeper in order to dramatically reduce
subthreshold leakage current. In short, like the sleepy stack approach, sleepy
keeper achieves leakage power reduction equivalent to the sleep and zigzag
approaches but with the advantage of maintaining exact logic state (instead of
destroying the logic state when sleep mode is entered). Based on experiments
with a 4-bit adder circuit, sleepy keeper approach achieves up to 48% less !
delay and 49% less area than the sleepy stack approach. Unfortunately, sleepy
keeper causes additional dynamic power consumption, approximately 21% more than
the base case (no sleep transistors used at all). However, for applications
spending the vast majority of time in sleep or standby mode while also
requiring low area, high performance and maintenance of exact logic state, the
sleepy keeper approach provides a new weapon in a VLSI designer's arsenal.