Taeweon Suh, Douglas M. Blogh, Hsien-Hsin S. Lee,
Supporting Cache Coherence in Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems
In embedded system-on-a-chip (SoC) applications, the need for integrating
heterogeneous processors in a single chip is increasing. An important issue in
integrating heterogeneous processors is how to maintain the coherence of data
caches. In this paper, we propose a hardware/software methodology to make
caches coherent in heterogeneous multiprocessor platforms with shared memory.
Our approach works with any combination of processors that support any
invalidation-based protocol. As shown in our simulations, up to 38% speedup can
be achieved with a 13-cycle miss penalty at the expense of simple hardware,
compared to a pure software solution. Speedup can be improved even further as
the miss penalty increases. In addition, our approach provides embedded system
programmers a transparent view of shared data, removing the burden of software