Jan. 11, 2002
11-12AM MiRC 102B |
The Time-Triggered Architecture for Distributed Real-Time System | Professor Dr. Hermann Kopetz, Technical University of Vienna, Austria |
Jan. 15, 2002 2-3PM MiRC 102B |
Web Information Retrieval: Algorithms and Infrastructure | Krishna Bharat, Senior Research Scientist, Google Inc. |
Jan. 28, 2002
11-12AM VL 218 |
Power-Aware Operating Systems for Interactive Systems | Yung-Hsiang Lu, Computer Systems Laboratory, Stanford University |
Feb. 13, 2002 11-12PM MiRC 102A |
What will Technology do to Microprocessor Designs in 2014? | Doug Burger, University of Texas at Austin |
Feb. 20, 2002 11-12PM MiRC 102A |
Domain-Specif Languages: What, Why, How | Charles Consel, Prof. of Computer Science, ENSEIRB/University of Bordeaux |
Feb. 22, 2002 11-12:30PM MiRC 102A |
Querying the Web - Question/Answer Approach | M. Tamer Ozsu, University of Waterloo |
Feb. 25, 2002 3-4:00PM MiRC 102 |
Stochastic Dynamic Models for Internet Traffic and Congestion Control | John Baras, Electrical Engineering Dept., Computer Science Dept., and the Inst. for Systems Research, University of Maryland, College Park |
Mar. 15, 2002 1:30-3PM CRB 239 |
Fault Model for Subtype Inheritance and Polymorphism | Jeff Offut, Information and Software Engineering, George Mason University |
Mar. 21, 2002 1-2PM CCB 354 |
Distributed Services for Self-Organizing Sensor Networks Applications | Alvin Lim, Dept. of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Auburn University |
Mar. 28, 2002 10-11AM SSB 117 |
Intel Distinguished Lecture: The future of IXA | Doug Davis, Gen Mgr Network Processors Div, IXA |
Mar. 28, 2002 2-3PM CCB 107 & Commons area |
Intel CERCS - IXA Lab Dedication & Reception | Rob Ibieta, IXA University Programs Network Processor Div, Intel Communications Group, Doug Davis, Gen Mgr Network Processors Div, IXA, Terri Durbin, Acct Mgr, US Education Programs |
Apr. 5, 2002 11-12PM MiRC 102B |
mediaGrid- An Architecture and Middleware for Distributed Resource Management for Media Applications | Raj Kumar, Ph.D., Manager, Media Systems Architecture Group, VCD, CMSL, HP Labs |