![]() | IUCR/CERCS Industry Advisory Board |
Bryant E. Bigbee is an Intel Fellow, Enterpise Platforms Group and Director of Systems Software. Bigbee directs work on the design and optimization of processor and chipset interfaces to operating systems, drivers and firmware. Bigbee joined Intel in 1992 and has been involved with a wide variety of commercial operating system and firmware initiatives and optimizations. Bigbee holds four patents, with seven patents pending in the areas of microprocessors and systems software. He has received three Intel Achievement Awards. Bigbee was born in Santa Fe, N.M. and graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1991 with an M.S. in Information and Computer Science. He completed an internship in Internal Medicine at Emory University in 1990 after earning his M.D. there in 1989. Previously, he earned a bachelor's degree in Chemistry at Claremont McKenna College in 1985. |
John Joseph Chilenski is an Associate Technical Fellow within Boeing Commercial Airplanes specializing in the verification of safety rated airborne software. He has twenty-five years of experience at Boeing in software verification. He is currently the project manager for the Software Verification research project for The Boeing Company's research and development organization: Phantom Works. |
Rich Friedrich leads the Internet Systems and Storage Lab in HP Labs. The ISSL research team focuses on next-generation Internet computing and storage systems, and on inventing distinctive utility computing mechanisms to provide IT infrastructure on demand. His sustained record of innovative accomplishments spans his 20-year career in HP research and product positions. He led the system performance team that optimized the first commercial PA-RISC based systems in the mid-1980s and the first multiprocessor, online transaction processing RISC systems in the late 1980s. He led the architecture and design of a large scale, distributed measurement system for the OSF Distributed Computing Environment in the early 1990s. More recently, he led the teams that invented WebQoS, the novel technology for providing predictable and stable performance for Internet based applications, re-architected Linux for IA-64, and provided key technologies to HP's Utility Data Center. He has participated on many scientific program committees, published extensively, and is a co-inventor on a dozen patents. He is a graduate of Northwestern University. |
Alan Ganek leads the IBM Corporate-wide initiative for autonomic computing which focuses on making computing systems more self-managing and resilient, lowering the cost of ownership and removing obstacles to growth and flexibility. This role reaches across IBM, touching virtually all functions. The activity includes leadership in architecture, technology and standards as well as business and market planning. Prior to joining IBM Software Group, Mr. Ganek was responsible for the technical strategy and operations of IBM's Research Division, a worldwide organization focuses on research leadership in areas related to information technology as well as exploratory work in science and mathematics. This entailed strategic and technology outlook, portfolio management, and Research Division processes. Mr. Ganek joined IBM as a software engineer in 1978 in Poughkeepsie, New York were he was involved in operating system design and development, computer addressing architecture, and parallel systems architecture and design. He was the recipient of Outstanding Innovation awards for his work on Enterprise Systems Architecture/370 and System/390 Parallel Sysplex Design. Mr. Ganek received his M.S. in Computer Science from Rutgers University in 1981. He holds fifteen patents. |
Dennis Gannon is the Director of Applications for the Cloud Computing Futures Group at Microsoft Research. Prior to coming to Microsoft, he was a professor of Computer Science at Indiana University and the Science Director for the Indiana Pervasive Technology Labs and, for seven years, Chair of the Department of Computer Science. His research interests include large-scale cyberinfrastructure, programming systems and tools, distributed computing, computer networks, parallel programming, computational science, problem solving environments and performance analysis of Grid and MPP systems. He led the DARPA HPC++ project and he was one of the architects of the Department of Energy SciDAC Common Software Component Architecture (CCA). He was a partner in the NSF Computational Cosmology Grand Challenge project, the NSF Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery and the NCSA Alliance. He served on the steering committee of the GGF, now the Open Grid Forum and the Executive Steering Committee of the NSF Teragrid where he managed the TeraGrid Science Advisory Board. He was the Program Chair for the IEEE 2002 High Performance Distributed Computing Conference, the General Chair of the 1998 International Symposium on Scientific Object Oriented Programming Environments and the 2000 ACM Java Grande Conference, and Program Chair for the 1997 ACM International Conference on Supercomputing as well as the 1995 IEEE Frontiers of Massively Parallel Processing. He was the Program Chair for the International Grid Conference, Barcelona, 2006 and co-chair of the 2008 IEEE e-Science Conference. While he was Chair of the Computer Science Department at Indiana University, he led the team that designed the University's new School of Informatics. For that effort he was given the School's Hermes Award in 2006. He has published over 100 refereed articles and co-edited 3 books. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 1980 after receiving a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of California, Davis. |
Mathai Joseph joined TCS in 1997 and is Executive Director of Tata Research Development and Design Centre, the R&D division of Tata Consultancy Services. He is responsible for setting the research directions, monitoring progress and converting TCS R&D results into industrially applicable tools and products. He is responsible for taking the TRDDC technology tools to market. He has a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge, U.K., and worked at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research for many years. At various times he has been Visiting Scientist, INRIA, Rocquencourt (1974), Visiting Professor, at the Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University and Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven Technical University (1990 - 1992). He is now Visiting Professor at the University of York, U.K., and Chairman of the Board of the International Institute for Software Technology. From 1985--97, he had a Chair in Software Engineering at the Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, U.K. where he lead a research group working on the use of formal methods for safety-critical systems. |
Dan Reed is Microsoft's Corporate Vice President for Technology Strategy and Policy and Extreme Computing. Previously, he was the Chancellor's Eminent Professor at UNC Chapel Hill, as well as the Director of the Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) and the Chancellor's Senior Advisor for Strategy and Innovation for UNC Chapel Hill. Dr. Reed has served as a member of the U.S. President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) and as a member of the President's Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC). As chair of PITAC's computational science subcommittee, he was lead author of the report "Computational Science: Ensuring America's Competitiveness." On PCAST, he co-chaired the Networking and Information Technology subcommittee (with George Scalise of the Semiconductor Industry Association) and co-authored a report on the National Coordination Office's Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) program called "Leadership Under Challenge: Information Technology R&D in Competitive World." In June 2009, he completed two terms of service as chair of the board of directors of the Computing Research Association, which represents the research interests of Ph.D. granting university departments, industrial research groups and national laboratories. He was previously Head of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), where the held the Edward William and Jane Marr Gutgsell Professorship. He has also been Director of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at UIUC, where he also led National Computational Science Alliance, a fifty institution partnership devoted to creating the next generation of computational science tools. He was also one of the principal investigators and chief architect for the NSF TeraGrid. He received his B.S. from Missouri University of Science and Technology and his M.S. and Ph.D. in computer science in 1983 from Purdue University. He is a Fellow of the ACM, the IEEE and the AAAS. |
Dr. Raj Yavatkar is an Intel Fellow and Director of the Systems Technology Lab in the Corporate Technology Group. Yavatkar joined Intel in 1995 and leads advanced R&D in the areas of system architecture and platform technologies including autonomics, virtualization, low-power Intel Architecture, and platform physicals. Previously, Yavatkar was the Chief Software Architect for Intel's IXP family of network processors. Earlier, he also led Intel's advanced research and development activities in internet quality of service and programmable networks and designed a framework for policy-based network management that led to development of an industry-wide technical standard. He was a key player in the initial development of Intel's communications building block strategy that led to the formation of the Intel Communications Group. Yavatkar received his Ph.D. in computer science from Purdue University in 1989 and holds eight patents, with more than 25 pending. He is recognized as a leading expert in the networking industry, and was the General Chair of ACM Sigcomm 2004. Yavatkar has published more than 30 papers in academic journals and conferences, and has co-authored the book, Inside the Internet's Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP). He serves on the editorial board of the IEEE Network magazine and, until recently, he was the vice-chairman of the Network Processing Forum, which develops standards for the network processing industry. |
Dr. Zacharia is the Associate Laboratory Director for Computing and Computational Sciences at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). In this capacity, he leads the Laboratory's agenda in Terascale Computing and Simulation Science in support of DOE's missions in advancing science, national security, energy security and sustainable development. Advanced computing is critical to our science leadership and important national objectives in areas such as climate change, fusion energy, nanotechnology and biotechnology. Dr. Zacharia began his research career as a postdoctoral fellow at ORNL in 1987, and became a research staff member in the Metals and Ceramics Division in 1989. He established and served as Group Leader of the Materials Process Modeling Group in 1993 and four years later became the Director of the Computer Science and Mathematics Division. Dr. Zacharia was appointed Associate Laboratory Director in 2001. Dr. Zacharia's research in high performance computing and computational sciences has resulted in more than 100 scientific publications and two U.S. Patents. He has received numerous honors as a researcher including the A. F. Davis Silver Medal Award and the William Spraragen Award from the American Welding Society; the Champion H. Mathewson Award Co-Author Citation from the American Society for Metals; and three ORNL Technical Achievement Awards. Dr. Zacharia is also the recipient of a number of leadership awards, including the 2001 ORNL Leader of the Year Award. Dr. Zacharia has held visiting professorships and has served on organizing and program committees of several international conferences and workshops. He currently serves on a number of scientific, professional, and civic boards. Dr. Zacharia holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering, a Masters in Materials Science and a Ph.D. in Engineering Science. |