CERCS Alumni Day and Computer Science and Engineering Technical
Dear Faculty and Alumni,
For Spring 2008, we are planning a multi-day event celebrating your
achievements, our institution, and technical progress in Computer
Science and Engineering. This note is to cordially invite you to participate
in this event, to provide input and guidance, and if you have the time and
desire, help plan its program.
April 2: Technical Symposium: Computer Science and Engineering in
Industry and Academia: technical presentations by outside speakers, by our
former students, panels and discussion sessions.
April 3: CERCS Alumni Day: Focus on our Alumni: Panels, Discussion
Sessions, Sharing your Experiences with our current students, Poster Session
and Reception.
April 4: CERCS Advisory Board meeting: Reviewing ongoing research,
with technical presentations by GT faculty and students involved in
industry/university interactions.
For alumni, our desire is to have you return to Georgia Tech for an
informative and fun visit, where you can interact with each other and
with us to celebrate your achievements, your technical work and interests,
share your experiences with your fellow alumni and our current students, and
contribute your insights to your former 'home'. In the longer term, we hope to
create and maintain an alumni network for your collective future benefit.
For this year, the detailed program for these days is still being planned
and in fact, we would much like your input on what would interest you most
concerning this event. Please do so by responding to this email and/or by
registing your interest in the form included below.
Thanks much for your interest, and we are all looking forward to seeing
you back at Georgia Tech this April.