Tech is proud to announce the formation of the Georgia Tech Center for
Experimental Research in Computer Systems (CERCS).
CERCS brings together 25 researchers from Georgia Tech's School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and College of Computing (CoC) who share a common focus on the design and evaluation of hardware and software systems through experimental methods. CERCS research focuses on complex systems, including their hardware, communications and system-level software, and applications.
emphasizing the experimental method, the Center promotes the creation of
knowledge through the design, implementation, and measurement of potentially
large-scale prototype systems that run complex applications. Constituting
one of the largest experimental systems programs in the U.S., CERCS has
a mission to:
with generous amounts of start-up funds from the Georgia Tech Vice Provost
for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies, the College of Computing, and
the School of ECE, CERCS originated from a number of funded, multi-investigator
research projects jointly carried out by ECE and CoC faculty. These projects
cover a wide range of areas such as quality-conscious middleware for information
flow applications, security research uniquely focused on denial of information,
and system area networks that support high end information flows.
Additional projects focus on operating system techniques that address ubiquitous
applications and compiler technology that takes advantage of novel hardware
for low-power consumption in embedded systems.
would appreciate it if you would share this announcement with interested
colleagues and potential partners. Finally, if you are in the Atlanta
area or have plans to be in the near future, we hope that you will stop
by and see for yourself the exciting activities taking place at CERCS.
For more information and details on CERCS faculty, facilities and research,
please feel free to contact us or to visit our web site at