CoC/ECE Summer Program for Women and Minorities
2004 SUMMER DAY CAMP jointly sponsored by CoC and ECE
ICE@Tech (Institute for Computing Education )
To increase high school girls' and minority students' awareness of,
interest and confidence in pursuing computing. To provide them with
exposure to the field of computing and related opportunities.
Session I: June 28 - July 2, 2004
Session II: July 5 - 9, 2004
Who is eligible:
Rising sophomores, juniors and seniors from public and private high
schools are being invited to apply. Camp capacity is 30 students per
Students will be asked to go one day without the use of a computer of
any kind and write an essay about how our society would be different if
there were no computers . Applications should include the essay, a
recommendation letter from a teacher, fall semester grades and the
latest standardized test scores available for that student.
Selection criteria:
Participants will be selected because they have demonstrated talent in
math and science. No prior experience in computer programming is
preferred. Our primary goal is to expose students to the pervasiveness
and breadth of computing and the exciting ways it is connected to a
variety of disciplines, including art, biology, psychology, sociology,
sociobiology, environmental studies, medicine, etc.
Each camp will be 5 days in length and will involve hands on
experiences, field trips to labs and computer related businesses, guest
lecturers, and social activities. Friday afternoon will be spent with
parents in a demo session.